Helmling, Meike

A moment with...
Dr Meike Helmling

“After a degree in Mechanical Engineering and completing my doctorate at Paderborn University, I joined Project Management Jülich (PtJ). I now manage a business area with some 85 employees, as well as lead market agency LeitmarktAgentur.NRW and implement funding competitions for North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) with my team.”

(1) What I love about my current job is...
…working closely with research, co-operating with the state ministries, while at the same time being involved in the strategy of a large company. I also have a great team that makes work fun every day.

(2) My current job suits me perfectly because...
...I work with a wide variety of people, am able to leverage the knowledge I acquired from my degree and doctorate and have been able to progress in my career – from scientist to head of department to head of business area. In this role, I’m able to make good use of my strengths and perform well.

(3) One of the highlights of my career so far has been...
...coming back to my department as head of business area and enjoying the full trust of employees and managers, having the opportunity to change things and do things better.

(4) A time when I doubted my decision to go to university or to pursue my current career path was...
...more often than you might think! You should always ask yourself if the grass really is greener elsewhere and think about everything you currently have. Even when things are tough, it helps to persevere and stick it out. You’ll be all the prouder for it afterwards.

The reason I didn’t give up was in particular down to the fact that...
...I had great people around me, who listened to my problems and supported me.

(5) When I look back on my career so far, I’d say that what has particularly shaped me has been...
...learning how different leadership styles can be and the effect leadership can have on employees and their motivation. I’ve used this as an opportunity to constantly critically scrutinise myself and my leadership style and to share my experiences and thoughts with different people.
A good network and regularly talking to different people are also a great way to learn from others and create synergies.

(6) I’d advise any young women wishing to pursue a career similar to mine to...
...believe in yourself and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Always listen to yourself and do things that you enjoy and that fulfil you. Only then can you really perform well.

(7) I associate my time at Paderborn University with...
...a great period of learning with many brilliant people and a good network. Paderborn became my home back then – I still love going back today and am pleased that I’m still in touch with people I met there.

(8) For the next 50 years, I wish Paderborn University...
...to continue to be successful in research and teaching, to be open to new things, but to also retain the tried and tested.

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